Our series of exhibitions in 2923 focuses on contemporary Swedish painting, showing works from 26 Swedish artists.
Welcome to ‘Farbforscher’!
Max Book
05. – 28.05.2023
Max Book is a painter who has always experimented with different techniques in his paintings since his first exhibition in 1980.
In his new works, he digitally processes photos and then paints on them on themes that often hark back to his youth in northern Sweden. The exhibition “LONGGGONE” at Werkhalle Wiesenburg is his first exhibition in Berlin and his first solo exhibition abroad since 1991.

FARBFORSCHER – contemporary Swedish Painting
30.06 – 30.07 2023
There is so much good painting in Sweden, and much of it is completely unknown in Germany. To change that, 24 Swedish artists are showing their work in a unique group exhibition this summer. The exhibition, entitled ‘Farbforscher’, is being held at Werkhalle Wiesenburg, a magical, hidden, almost forgotten place in Berlin that is worth a visit in its own right.
From 30 June to 30 July, “Farbforscher” (Colour Researchers) will focus on oil painting, bringing to life the long tradition and expressive richness of this old and ever-new painting technique. The panorama of Swedish artists, from Max Book to Julia Selin, allows visitors to immerse themselves in the special light, the Nordic spirit and the great cultural and artistic freedom of Scandinavia.

Viktor Rosel | Jenny Berg | Andreas Ribbung | Gittan Jönsson | Niklas randau | Maria Sivander | Marcus Matt | David Klasson | Åsa Larsson | Clara Gesang-Gottowt | Filippa Arrias | Per Teljer | Jens Fröberg | Millie Holmer | Joakim Heidvall | TILPO | Ricard Larsson | Christian Simonsson | Charlotte Hellstadius | Anna-Lisa Unkuri | Per-Ivar Lindekrantz | Thomas Bo Henriksson
David Klasson
4.8.- 27.8.2023
“David Klasson is a Swedish artist born in Vänersborg in 1989 who lives and works in Gothenburg. He studied at the Royal College of Art in Stockholm from 2013 to 2018.
David Klasson’s paintings are inspired by his immediate surroundings. Whether it is a cityscape or a muddy football pitch, for Klasson everyday scenes never become trivial or banal. His palette is vibrant and he passionately carries on the tradition of lyrical expressionism.”
Pontus Hammarén

Viktor Rosdahl
1.- 24.9.2023
Each of my works springs from a certain fascination that can range from overt expressiveness to subtle restraint, from unsettling to captivating. …. Sometimes I think about the play of lines that intersect and converge – whether in the intricate details of the cliffs, the protest rallies or the countless windows that adorn the houses – creating an image that resembles a feverish, pulsating energy flickering in the corner of my eye that is in me, and probably in many of us. It is as if the white noise on the television screens at night, which exists only in memory, is telling us something about ourselves or about us in the universe. The motifs, I think, are situations in which you can lose yourself, dissolve in the moment and become part of a greater energy, be it in the mountains, in the myriad of streets and building blocks, or at a demonstration.

Åsa Larsson and Filippa Arria
6. – 29.2023
Åsa Larsson and Filippa Arrias jointly conclude the exhibition series ‘Farbforscher’ at Berlin’s Werkhalle Wiesenburg, which this year is dedicated to contemporary Swedish painters.
Åsa Larsson’s small-format still lifes are created from objects, pictures and art postcards that have accumulated on the tables and window frames of her studio. Her path to these enigmatic compositions, in which things are frozen in an eternal moment, led her through landscape painting. Ever since she discovered the beauty of colour and the joy of art at the Nordic Art School in Finland in 1990, it was through landscapes and images of nature that she sought and found her way into painting. Today it is the scenes on the world stage of her windowsill, where bright pink soft toys and hidden images of faces and everyday objects pause for the painter for a fraction of a moment in their wild hustle and bustle, today they elude the mind, elude capture and seem to wait for the viewer to soon move on, to float on undisturbed.

Åsa Larsson

Filippa Arrias