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14th May | 14.00-18.00

The Wiesenburg Open Day / Urban Development Day Berlin 2022


14:00 – 18:00

Eine Berlinerin war die Mutter des Gedankens” – exhibition about the history of the Wiesenburg. Photos and objects of the Wiesenburg, curated by Heather Allen.

Location: Werkhalle Wiesenburg

14:00 – 18:00
Photo documentation of the women’s shelter in the former women’s collection hall, curated by Heather Allen.

Location: House 5 (Wiesenburg new building)

Guided tour of the Wiesenburg

Start: original residential building (entrance next to Ringbahn)

Registration requested via

Washing performance in the laundry of the former homeless shelter

Location: Werkhalle Wiesenburg

Guided tour of the Wiesenburg

Start: original residential building

Registration requested via

Multimedia performance “LIGHT ON” by and with Anna Clementi and Michael Vorfeld

A multimedia performance in which the elements used, such as music, light, text and movement, are focused on the electric light bulb and approach the multiple levels of appearance and meaning of this light source from different perspectives.

Location: Tanzhalle Wiesenburg

Open Air Classical Concert

Shasta Ellenbogen and friends from the Classical Sundays concert series.

Location: Wiesenburg Ramp


Coffee and cakes available – proceeds to aid Ukraine